Press the 'Pause' button to pause recording. When you start recording, the 'Scrub' button will turn into a 'Pause' button, and the 'Go to start' button will turn into a 'Retake' button. Note that when you record in stereo from a device that only supports mono (such as most microphones), then the left and right channels will be identical copies of the mono recording. The number of channels in a recording (one for Mono, two for Stereo) will also automatically match the current file. The recording sample rate will automatically match the sample rate of the current file, unless the recording device doesn't support this sample rate, in which case you will be asked whether to continue the recording at a sample rate that the device does support. To adjust recording settings, go to Options > Recording, where you can choose your recording device, adjust recording volume, and turn voice activation and automatic trimming on or off. If you don't have a file open then recording will start in a new file. If you have some audio already selected then this will be replaced by your new recording. The recording will be made straight into your currently open file, at the position of your cursor.

To start recording, press the F5 key, or the Record button.